(I wanted pink but got the blue one for Mr. Lush’s sake)
I didn’t know much about Acer but I asked around to some computer geeks at work and they came highly recommended, well over the HP I was considering. I poured over reviews and basically came up with occasionally, just like every electronic product, you might have a problem and need to call customer service….and Acer’s customer service evidently (or so I read) REALLY sucks. However, I purchased the extended warranty from Sams Club, so should something go wrong, I get to deal with Sams Club instead. So far, it appears to be working out great.
While I was shopping, I decided it was time for a new camera. We got the Canon PowerShot SD960 IS 12.1MP Digital Camera. (also could've gotten pink, but no, I got silver)
It *supposedly* takes good low light pictures….I’ll test it out this weekend and see how it goes. I know, SLRs are great....but they don't fit in your pocket and this is little - about 150% bigger than a deck of cards - and we need pocket size. Mr. Lush got a HUGE 8GB memory card for it…(on sale for $20 at Office Depot – also a great deal) so we have plenty of room for thousands of pics and videos. Also, the card just slips into the netbook, so I can just take pics from there to my blog and keep everyone updated on our European travels.
Things are looking ok…..still have a lot to do and we leave in 9 days but managed to cross 6 things off the list between yesterday and today!!